Economics and Management Faculty

Economics and Management Faculty

At Odlar Yurdu University, the Economics and Management Faculty operates within the Department of Combined Faculties. The primary goal of the faculty is to enhance the quality of specialist training in various fields and improve management mechanisms.

The faculty coordinates its activities with the Department of Combined Faculties, the university’s academic department, and three departments under the faculty: Economics and Economic Relations, International Relations and Tourism, and Mathematics, Informatics, and Statistics. The faculty organizes its operations based on laws regulating higher education institutions, the university’s statutes, decisions of the scientific council, and orders and decrees from the rector.

In working with students, practical, seminar, and other classes are conducted at a high scientific and theoretical level that meets the requirements of the modern education system, according to the teaching plans. Teaching programs, textbooks, and teaching aids for the subjects taught in the departments are developed, and individual plans for the teaching, scientific-methodical, and other work of department staff are organized. Modern methodologies are applied to provide students with scientific-theoretical and practical knowledge.

Among the faculty's main tasks are increasing staff potential and making student work principles more objective and innovative. Department heads and experienced teachers regularly participate in classes, provide necessary advice to teachers, and offer scientific-methodical support. Ensuring high-quality teaching and preparing specialists in accordance with modern requirements are the main priorities of the faculty’s activities.

Currently, maintaining a high level of the faculty’s activities is overseen by the university administration.