Mathematics and Digital Technologies

Mathematics and Digital Technologies

Established in 1995, the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics at Odlar Yurdu University prepares highly skilled professionals in modern fields according to the demands of the labor market. The department aims to enhance students' professional knowledge and skills in mathematics, computer science, and statistics. By employing contemporary teaching methods, the department strives to improve students' scientific and practical knowledge.

Historical Development:

Since the establishment of Odlar Yurdu University in 1995, the "Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science" department was created. For many years, the department was led by Ahmad Valiyev Abdulkerim Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. During this time, the department offered specialties in Mathematics and Computer Science Teaching, Oil and Gas Engineering, and Computer Engineering. Since 2017, the department has been led by Mubaris Balalievich Valiyev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor. In 2019, the department was transformed into a university-wide department and was renamed "Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics" in 2022.

Scientific and Educational Activities:

The department applies modern teaching methods in mathematics, computer science, and statistics to enhance students' knowledge and skills. Our faculty actively participates in national and international scientific conferences and presents research papers. The department organizes various scientific conferences, symposiums, and seminars at the university. These events provide opportunities for faculty specialists to present research findings and discuss modern technologies and methodologies.

The department organizes various internship programs and laboratory work to enhance students' scientific and practical knowledge. The curriculum is designed to meet contemporary requirements and aims to improve the level of professional preparation. The department offers opportunities for students to gain experience in scientific and cultural institutions and supports scientific research.

The department also undertakes various scientific research projects and has received awards and positive reviews in this field. Scientific research activities, publications in academic journals, and international scientific projects contribute to enhancing the university's scientific potential. The department’s specialists regularly work on new teaching methodologies and materials, integrating research findings into the teaching process to ensure the highest level of student preparation.

Faculty of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics:

 - Mubaris Valiyev Balali – Head of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
 - Jamila Aliyeva Mais – Deputy Head of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
 - Eldar Huseynov Huseyn – Head of the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Department, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
 - Ramazan Eyyubov Azizkhan – Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
 - Farahim Samadzade Nahmet – Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
 - Khoshbakht Aliyeva Huseyn – Associate Professor, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
 - Sevda Ibrahimova Pasha – Senior Lecturer
 - Ilham Jabrailov Qardashkhan – Senior Lecturer
 - Ilkin Feyzullayev Qadir – Lecturer
 - Lala Alizade Shahin – Lecturer
 - Vusala Teymurova Eybulla – Lecturer, PhD in Economics
 - Hagigat Ashirova Zakir – Lecturer
 - Lemoun Djoumana Es – Lecturer
 - Elnur Rustamov Shahismayil – Senior Lecturer, PhD in Econometrics and Mathematical Statistics
 - Nargiz Suleymanova Kerem – Lecturer
 - Parvana Ibadova Habil – Lecturer
 - Etera Bayramova Nazim – Lecturer