International Conferences

International Conferences

OYU with collaborations of Azerbaijan Association of “Zadeh’s Legacy and Artificial Intelligence” Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), The University of Texas (San Antonio, USA,) University of Alberta (Canada), University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), University of California, Berkeley (Berkeley, USA), Polish Academy of Sciences, System Research Institute (Poland), Near East University (North Cyprus) has been organizing “International Conferences on Theory and Applications of Fuzzy systems and Softcomputing” and “Theory and Applications of Softcomputing, Computing with Words and Perceptions”.
These conferences are permanently organized and are devoted to the father of the fuzzy logic of Lotfi Zadeh. Many scientists of OYU have participated in these conferences that pass in Germany, France, Iran, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey, Montenegro, Uzbekistan and etc. are participating in these conferences at different levels as a member of the organizer and participants.

ICAFS 2022
15th International Conference on Applications of Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing and Artificial Intelligence Tools

WCIS 2022
12th World Conference on "Intelligent Systems for Industrial Automation-WCIS 2022"

Uluslararası Bakü Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi
International Baku Scientific Research Congress

International Congress of Soil Scientists