The next meeting was held at Odlar Yurdu University

16 November, 2022

The next meeting was held at Odlar Yurdu University

The next meeting was held in OYU with the joint organization of the Scientific-Methodical and Educational Councils. The head of the strategic planning and projects department of the university, associate professor Fuad Ibadov opened the meeting with an introduction and introduced the participants to the issue on the agenda. The meeting was dedicated to the process of preparation for the accreditation to be organized at the university. Later, docent Fuad Ibadov gave a report on the topic and answered the questions of the meeting participants. Then the floor was given to another speaker. The vice-rector for international relations and quality assurance, professor Fakhraddin Mammadov introduced the participants to the newly created website of Odlar Yurdu University in a wide and comprehensive manner, and the questions on this topic were answered. Vice-rectors, heads of departments, heads of departments and departments of the university also participated in the meeting and addressed the questions they were interested in to the speakers. During the meeting, active discussions were held on the issues raised.